Hong Kong Monetary Authority

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is the government authority in Hong Kong responsible for maintaining monetary and banking stability. Its main functions and responsibilities are governed by the Exchange Fund Ordinance and the Banking Ordinance and it reports to the Financial Secretary.

See below for the Latest Hong Kong Monetary Authority News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.

HKIA finds firms adhere to new premium financing rule

However, the inspection also identified several areas needing improvement.

Hong Kong imposes changes to mortgage insurance plan

Previously, mortgage insurance was only for properties under construction with a property value of up to HK$6m.

Hong Kong imposes six-month ban on Chan Ka Hey for fabrication

To deceive the insurer and his employing bank, Hey fabricated a new DDA form with a cut-out of the client’s signature, without consent.

Hong Kong financial regulators to define premium financing standards

They plan to brief the industry and relevant stakeholders about the standards.