, Hong Kong
/Prudential Hong Kong

Prudential Hong Kong opens multipurpose space

It also expanded its academy to this 53,600 sqft office.

Prudential Hong Kong has opened a new multipurpose office for its agency force at AIRSIDE, a Grade A commercial landmark in Kai Tak. 

“This specially designed workspace demonstrates our continued drive to optimise the platforms available to support our agency force to go above and beyond, underpinned by effective holistic approaches to employee training. We believe this move will empower them to deliver an elevated level of service to our customers and bring to life Prudential's mission of ‘For Every Life, For Every Future’.” Benny Tsoi, Chief Agency Officer, Prudential Hong Kong Limited said in a press release.

The Prudential Academy of Financial Service has also expanded to this 53,600-square-foot office, which includes multiple boardrooms, lecture halls, and advanced training facilities. 

These amenities, versatile event spaces, and customer meeting rooms enable Prudential to host conferences, lectures, training events, and customer engagement activities, fostering a dynamic environment for collaboration, innovation, and growth.

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