Hong Kong Insurance Authority

The Hong Kong Insurance Authority (IA) is an insurance regulator established under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41). The principal function of IA is to regulate and supervise the insurance industry for the promotion of the general stability of the insurance industry and for the protection of existing and potential policy holders.

See below for the Latest Hong Kong Insurance Authority News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary. 


HKFI launches check scheme for insurance agents

The scheme aims to prevent problematic agents from moving between firms.

HKFI launches check scheme for insurance agents

The scheme aims to prevent problematic agents from moving between firms.

HK's new legislation welcomed by insurance industry

The legislation advocates for international insurers to re-domicile in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong begins risk-based capital regime for insurers

This follows the enactment of the Insurance (Amendment) Ordinance 2023.

HKIA finds firms adhere to new premium financing rule

However, the inspection also identified several areas needing improvement.

HKIA slams broker with fines for poor handling

It also fined a licensed technical representative $910.

HKIA warns against unlicensed insurance sales to MCVs

New office premiums for life insurance bought by MCVs reached HK15.6b.

HKIA updates capital rules

The updated guidelines are effective 1 July.

HK warns against fake free insurance ads

The circulating ad even featured a government Dep’t logo.

HKIA bans two agents for false credentials

The cases occurred before the HKIA took over the regulation of insurance intermediaries in 2019.

HKIA reinforces sanctity of license to operate

Violations can result in a fine and imprisonment for up to two years.

HKIA appoints new directors for 2024-2027 term

Lee and Lui have been a member of the HKIA for six to seven years.

Hong Kong imposes 14-year license ban on ex-Prudential agent

The agent scammed policyholders to transfer RMB2.35m into his bank account.

HKIA welcomes World Bank’s second Cat bond, worth $150m

It will offer coverage against storm risks in Jamaica.

HKIA alerts on fraudulent payment invoices

The HKIA not issue invoices for anything named "Insurance Authority Certificate" or "Capital Insurance Certificate." 

Hong Kong and Macao discuss cross-market insurance issues

Discussions included topics such as the sale of life insurance products to MCVs.

HKIA takes action against ethical breach by agent

This is the 7th case the HKIA reprimanded an insurance practitioner.