, Hong Kong
/AXA Hong Kong & Macau

AXA Hong Kong’s new plan covers 135 critical illness

This series provides up to 1,300% of the sum insured for major illnesses.

AXA Hong Kong and Macau revealed its new TotalAssure Critical Illness Series which offers protection for customers against 135 illnesses.

An AXA study found that 86% of respondents were unaware of their health conditions, and 63% did not get annual health checkups. In the case of a critical illness, 77% would consider the financial burden before choosing treatment, and 84% were concerned about treatment costs.

The series mainly offers protection for early risk conditions linked to colorectal cancer, breast cancer and heart disease, helping the insured to stay ahead of these critical illnesses whilst offering timely support for early intervention.

This series provides up to 1,300% of the sum insured for major illnesses like severe dementia and recurrent critical illnesses such as cancer and stroke.

The TotalAssure Plus - BabyPro, part of the new series, offers maternity protection from 18 weeks of pregnancy, covering complications and postpartum depression for both parents. It also provides newborns with double protection during the first policy year.

BabyPro extends protection to mothers and newborns, covering pregnancy complications, postpartum depression, and undetected congenital conditions from birth. It also supports children with special educational needs, offering educational support for conditions like ADHD and autism.

The TotalAssure Series combines critical illness benefits with mental health services, providing free mindfulness classes and support services for the insured and their carers after a critical illness diagnosis.

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