, New Zealand
/Sulthan Auliya from Unsplash

Accuro pulled out from AM Best’s roster

UniMed, the receiver of the portfolio, is now the third-largest health insurer.

New Zealand-based Accuro Health Insurance Society has been withdrawn from AM Best’s pool of monitored companies after the transition of its portfolio to Union Medical Benefits Society.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand cancelled Accuro’s license to offer coverage and Accuro no longer operates as an insurance company.

This marks UniMed as New Zealand’s third-largest health insurance provider, operating under both the UniMed and Accuro brands. 

UniMed will serve 140,000 members with 100 staff, representing 10% of the health insurance market.

UniMed will also maintain both brands in the market, ensuring continuity and support for its members from offices in Wellington and Christchurch. 

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