Dah Sing Insurance grants cash allowance for HomeSure policyholders under quarantine
This is exclusively offered for the first year’s policyholders.
Dah Sing Insurance Company (1976) Limited is offering a new complimentary extension of its HomeSure Household Insurance Plan—a cash allowance for those undergoing compulsory quarantine.
The complimentary extension of HomeSure is exclusively offered to the first year’s policyholders who successfully apply HomeSure from 27 January to 31 March 2022. If policyholders or their families are defined as the contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases by the Hong Kong regulatory bodies, and required to undergo compulsory quarantine at Designated Quarantine Centre or at their home, Dah Sing Insurance will pay a cash allowance of HK$100 per day and up to HK$2,000 during the policy period.
“This complimentary extension demonstrates commitment to our community through providing extra cash allowance to families affected by the compulsory quarantine. By reacting quickly to a changing situation, we are going extra miles to protect our customers and keep fighting the pandemic with Hong Kong,” Terence Leung, CEO of Dah Sing Insurance said.