, Hong Kong
/Kobu Agency from Unsplash

HKIA appoints new directors for 2024-2027 term

Lee and Lui have been a member of the HKIA for six to seven years.

The Hong Kong Government has appointed Lee Moung-mo as executive director of general business and Marty Lui Yu-kwok as executive director of long-term business for the Insurance Authority (HKIA). 

Their terms will run from 27 May 2024 to 26 May 2027. 

These appointments were made by the Financial Secretary under the authority delegated by the Chief Executive according to the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41).

A spokesman for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau remarked that both Lee and Lui are seasoned financial professionals with extensive regulatory experience in the insurance sector. 

ALSO READ: HKIA welcomes World Bank’s second Cat bond, worth $150m

Their continued service is expected to further develop Hong Kong's insurance market.

Lee, who joined the HKIA in May 2018, previously served as head of the technical expert team and held senior executive positions in the insurance industry. 

Lui, part of the HKIA since its inception in 2017, served as associate director of Long Term Business and has considerable experience in financial regulation and insurance.

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