Interest grows in Asian life insurers' market dynamics
Yet, FX risks loom over Taiwanese life insurers.
CreditSights unveiled there was strong interest in the evolving dynamics of Japanese life insurers, Taiwanese market entrants, key South Korean credits, and certain Hong Kong insurance names amongst asset managers, banks and insurers.
Amongst Japanese life insurers, Fukoku Life and Nippon Life stand out due to their solid financial metrics and attractive spread levels.
Japanese life insurers are highly sensitive to interest rate movements: falling overseas rates boost the valuation of foreign investments, Whilst rising domestic rates lower liability values and improve net assets, enhancing their financial positions.
Taiwanese life insurance bonds, like CATLIF 2034 Tier 2, have seen tight spreads, driven by strong demand from domestic and Hong Kong investors and limited bond supply.
However, Taiwanese insurers are exposed to significant foreign exchange (FX) risks due to large overseas investments, with hedging tools helping keep costs low, though FX risk remains a key concern.
In South Korea, Hanwha Life is expected to be relatively resilient to anticipated rate cuts in 2024, with a 1% rate reduction projected to decrease capital ratios by 5-8%, showing manageable sensitivity.
Korean life insurers also face risks from real estate and overseas exposures, totaling $24b (₩31.3t) as of December 2023. However, strong CSM (contractual service margin) growth and robust underwriting have supported capital strength and mitigated solvency impacts.
For Hong Kong insurers, legacy senior debt and perpetual bonds from AIA, Prudential (Pru), and FWD will receive full capital recognition until 2031. AIA's post-2021 perpetual bonds will also continue to receive full capital recognition for life. FWD has faced investor concerns over weak profitability and recent reserve adjustments.
($1.00 = ₩1,329.27)