, Macau
/Craig Whitehead from Unsplash

Manulife expands in Macau with new YOHO Group lease

It is a multi-year lease for a 64,000 sq ft space.

Manulife announced expanding its presence in Macau through a collaboration with YOHO Group. 

The agreement includes a multi-year lease for a 64,000 sq ft space in one of YOHO Group’s prime properties, aiming to bolster Manulife’s position in Macau's financial services industry. 

The leased space will serve as a central hub for Manulife, addressing the city's insurance needs and facilitating the growth of its agency force.

ALSO READ: AIA HK, Macau CEO backs finance secretary's budget for financial sector

“As Macau continues to play a crucial role in the holistic development of the Greater Bay Area, this deal enables us to expand our footprint across the city and beyond. This marks a significant milestone in our business growth plan and brings us a step closer to achieving our goal of recruiting more agents in Macau,” Patrick Graham, Manulife Hong Kong and Macau CEO, said in a joint statement.

“It also exemplifies our strong financial standing and unwavering commitment to investing in our dedicated employees, vibrant agency force, and other distribution channels in the city today and for the longer term.” Graham added,

Manulife has been providing insurance products and services in Macau since 1996.

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