NDIS participants see improved employment opportunities
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants feel they have more control over their choices in over three quarters.
Work participation amongst persons with disabilities has more than doubled from 10% to 22% for participants aged 15 to 24, indicating improved employment opportunities.
With over 646,000 participants currently being supported by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the latest quarterly report highlights significant positive outcomes achieved by the scheme.
Half of all parents and carers now report paid employment, achieving the 2023-24 target of 50%. This represents a relative increase of 10%.
Also, 41% of participants aged 15 years and older reported increased participation in community and social activities, marking a relative increase of 19%.
ALSO READ: NDIS establishes task force for improved registration system
Over three-quarters of all participants aged over 15 reported greater choice and control in their lives, exceeding the 2023-24 target.
Rebecca Falkingham, CEO of the NDIA, acknowledged the importance of measuring participant outcomes to gauge the effectiveness of the scheme and highlighted ongoing efforts to improve the NDIS following the release of the NDIS Review and Disability Royal Commission findings.
The agency is actively implementing initiatives outlined in the 2023-24 Budget to enhance participant outcomes and ensure the sustainable operation of the scheme.
This includes improvements to the participant planning process through co-design, and enhancing consistency in eligibility decisions for participants with complex needs.