, Singapore
/Philippe Bout from Unsplash

NTU and GAIP launch AI-focused insurance competition

The competition offers a total prize pool of S$20,000.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Global Asia Insurance Partnership (GAIP) are launching the NTU-GAIP Insurance Case Competition, focusing on artificial intelligence (AI).

This competition is open to university, junior college, and polytechnic students in Singapore, as well as students from selected universities across ASEAN. 

It aims to provide a platform for students to explore the challenges faced by the insurance industry and to propose AI-driven solutions.

Participants will present their research and ideas to a panel of esteemed judges, including industry experts and academics. 

ALSO READ: GAIP details transformation in risk management towards net-zero

John Maroney, CEO of GAIP, emphasised the competition's role in preparing the next generation of leaders with the skills to navigate the evolving insurance landscape. He noted that AI is revolutionising the industry, and this competition allows students to contribute fresh perspectives.

The competition offers a total prize pool of $14,818 (S$20,000), with awards for the top-performing teams. 

Winners from Singaporean universities will also have the opportunity to intern at a GAIP partner company in Singapore. 

Assoc Prof Shinichi Kamiya, Co-Director of the Insurance Risk and Finance Research Centre (IRFRC), highlighted the significance of the prizes, which aim to recognize participants' efforts and provide resources to further their education and careers.

($1.00 = S$1.35)

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