, Japan
/Andre Benz from Unsplash

GIAJ completes $540m claim payments for Noto quake

More than half of this was under the Ishikawa Prefecture.

The value of claims paid for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake stood at $540m (Y84.89b), as of 26 April, data from the General Insurance Association of Japan (GIAJ).

Previously, claims paid stood at $480m in 31 March.

About 56.5% of the total claim payments amount were under the Ishikawa Prefecture.

ALSO READ: Noto earthquake saw $480m claims paid – GIAJ

To tally, there were 140,539 claims collected, whilst 133,332 investigations were completed since 1 January to the April date.

Of the total claims collected, 94,728 were paid. 

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